Visible (RGB) + Infrared (940nm) Filter
This is a dualband filter that allows all Visible (color) light through along with a very narrow band of 940nm Infrared light. The visible light colors will be very slightly washed out due to the interference with the IR light. This filter will have truer visible colors than our VIS+850nm filter, but the IR light will be slightly less intense. Typical use cases are security cameras and motion tracking.
This small filter is inserted into the sensor side of a m12 lens mount. You will need to unscrew the lens mount from the sensor to install if you have a lens already installed. If you don't have a lens, simply drop it down the m12 lens mount barrel. Make sure to use a clean cloth and clean the filter before insertion, making sure both sides are free of dust and smudges.
Diameter: 11.35mm
Thickness: 1.0mm
Weight: ?g
Optics Material: Glass
Scratch-Dig (MIL-PRF-13830B): Bandwidth: 370-680nm, 890-1020nm (>1% Transmission)